

Greenside Shul blanket & winter clothing drive for
Yad Aharon & Pholosha Primary School.

Please bring your contributions to the Shul office between 8am and 1pm Mondays to Fridays.
A monetary donation will also be appreciated and will enable us to purchase these sorely needed items.
We would like to distribute the blankets and clothing at the beginning of June 2013.

Please help and thanks in advance.

For any information on Eishet Chayil projects as well as our Eishet Chayil book club please call Aviva Rabinowitz 083.600.4515 or Wendy Richard 082.903.6711

This year’s Eishet Chayils outreach project wishes to specifically focus on the collection of blankets as well as non-perishable food items.

Those of you who have spare wool may want to knit strips which can be sewn into blankets.

These items can be dropped at the Shul: with thanks and appreciation.

For information on Eishet Chayil projects as well as our Eishet Chayil book club please call Aviva Rabinowitz 083.600.4515 or Wendy Richard on 082.903.6711



The ladies knitting/crocheting group that meets once a week on a Tuesday continues at the Shul from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Please bring along some wool and come and have a social morning with tea and refreshments.

For more info, please contact Mrs. Lamus Nafte on 011-646-3830


Winter Collection in aid of Yad Aharon and Pholosha Primary School

The winter collection raised a bumper amount of clothing for both Yad Aharon and Pholosha Primary School.  Thanks to all who contributed, your generosity and chessed is a blessing to our shul and community.

A special thank you to Rebbetzin Aviva Rabinowitz and Wendy Richard for organising and co-ordinating the drive.